When you make an appointment with us, you can have confidence that your taxes are being prepared by experienced, knowledgeable professionals. In an effort to make your experience with us as smooth as possible, please read through a few important aspects of our service below.
Tax Preparation is Based on Information You Supply
When we prepare your taxes, it is based on the information you furnish us. We do not audit or verify the data you submit, although we may request clarification or documentation of some details. We trust the fact that you have maintained the documentation required by law to support the information your provide. Not clear on what documentation is needed? We'd be happy to discuss this with you.2
Provide Your Documentation Securely
In order to ensure our clients may provide their documentation to us in a secure fashion, we provide a secured portal to submit documents. Upon signing your engagement letter with us, you will be provided with a link to this portal to use for all document transfers.3
We Provide a Tax Preparation Checklist
We provide a checklist for your use to gather the proper documents. The basics include: originals or copies of all government tax documents including W-2s, 1099s, 1098s, and property tax statements.4
Be Aware of Filing Deadlines & Extensions
The filing deadline for tax returns is April 15. We must receive your information by April 1 in order to meet this deadline. If an extension is required, we may prepare the extension for you with your express permission. Please note that extensions to file are not extensions to pay. Payment after April 15 will result in late payment penalties and interest.5
Electronic Filing of Taxes
Federal and California law requires that we file taxes electronically. You may opt out of e-filing without explanation. Please let us know if this is the case and we will provide you with government opt-out forms.6
Joint Filing
If you hire AJ Cunningham & Associates to file a joint return, tax returns and copies of all supporting documentation will be made available to either spouse without the consent or notification of the other spouse.7
Property Transactions
If you sold any real estate in the past year, you must provide copies of escrow statements, loan estimate forms, closing disclosure forms, and the CA Form 593: Real Estate Withholding Tax Statement. These will allow us to properly prepare your return.8
Foreign Activities & Accounts
You are responsible for reporting foreigh activities. If you have income from foreign sources or signatory authority over a foreign account, you must inform us of this information. Government penalties for failure to report foreign activities are severe.
We take pride in providing a high-quality tax preparation service that leaves our clients confident in their filing. We look forward to servicing you and your family or business for all of your tax & accounting needs!